The current situation will have effects on the administration of claims; some we know about and others that will probably only become apparent as things progress.
‘It is not realistic to suppose that it will be business as usual in any jurisdiction, but it is of vital importance that the administration of justice does not grind to a halt.’
The Lord Burnett of Maldon
Lord Chief Justice, March 2020
Matters where court proceedings have been issued
As a result of the rapidly evolving situation with the coronavirus pandemic, there will be a need to increase the use of telephone and video technology to enable remote hearings where possible. The government bill due out on 19th March 2020 contains clauses that will expand the powers of the courts to use technology in a wider range of hearings. The Civil Procedure Rules, which cover most injury claims cases that personal injury lawyers from Rosemead, CA can deal with, provide for considerable flexibility which will no doubt allow for far wider use of telephone and video hearings. In case of best personal injury attorneys, hire from
Our immediate aim is to maintain our service to our clients and ensure that all matters can proceed with the minimum delay.
Matters where court proceedings have not yet started
The vast majority of these cases are dealt with between us, your personal injury lawyers, and the insurance company direct.
The insurance industry is experiencing huge volumes of claims relating to travel and health policies and this is therefore likely to result in delays in them responding to communications and issuing payments in matters relating to a personal injury claim. In case of accidents go to experts in Austin, TX car accident lawyers.
To an extent these delays will have to be allowed for, in the current circumstances, but in cases of essential need or where time is of the essence, there are steps we can and will take to expedite your claim based on your own special circumstances. These will include cases where there is:
- Loss of earnings;
- Other financial loses, and;
- An agreed outstanding payment expected.
At Stonehewer Moss, we have procedures in place to enable us to progress your claim with our usual skill and care. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to call or email. Make sure you contact lawyers like the Vukelja & dePaula car accident lawyers to get help.
This information is correct as at 18 March 2020.