Why choose us?

Personal Injury Specialists

We are specialists in personal injury law with a proven track record in securing compensation.

No Win, No Fee

We offer a no-win no-fee claims service to ease the financial pressure on you.

Free Initial Consultation

You can arrange a free no-obligation case review to help you decide if we’re the injury lawyers for you.

Accredited Firm

We are accredited by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL), demonstrating our experience specialist expertise in personal injury law.

Personal Service

We will support you throughout the claims process, providing a personal, friendly and compassionate service, with local home and hospital visits if required.

Data Protection & GDPR

Marketing List Cleansing – Beat The ePrivacy Regulations

Marketing List Cleansing – Beat The ePrivacy Regulations Does your marketng list need cleansing ? With all the talk about...

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Professional Lien and GDPR Subject Access Requests

Professional Lien and GDPR Subject Access Request It’s a not uncommon situation for lawyers and accountants and other professionals. Your...

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GDPR Fine?

Why Worry About GDPR? It’s All Fine! The dust has Settled on GDPR and maybe some people are wondering what...

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Fixed Price GDPR Data Compliance

Data compliance Are you worrying that you have put off your GDPR  data compliance too long ? Unsure what to...

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How much do you know about GDPR ? Take our GDPR quiz and separate fact from fiction. GDPR QUIZ True...

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GDPR Made Easy

GDPR Made Easy So you have heard about GDPR and had a look around the web and perhaps landed on...

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GDPR and Special Data

What is Special Data ? If your company processes what used to be called sensitive personal information then you have...

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GDPR and Data Protection Training For Small Business Employees

  So what do your employees need to know ? Data Protection. The purpose of these article is to provide...

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GDPR and Data Protection for Small Businesses

  GDPR. By now most of us have heard the acronym GPDR but less about The Data Protection Act 2018....

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The Essentials of GDPR

Data Protection laws are changing. You may have already heard of the GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation which will...

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Contact our claims experts

Arrange a free initial case review

Freephone 0800 434 6544 or 01606 87 22 00

Email info@stonehewermoss.co.uk

Stonehewer Moss Solicitors, 4 The Bull Ring, Northwich, Cheshire, UK, CW9 5BS

Stonehewer Moss Solicitors is a trading style of the Stonehewer Moss Limited, Registered in England No. 542 6583
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